Large Feature Filler
Feature Fillers offer the perfect way to highlight face-forward titles on standard shelves. Where most easels sit at the back of the shelf, or slope backwards so the top of the book is in shadow, our Feature Fillers are designed to push the book to the front of the shelf where it can be easily seen. In addition, the sides are strong enough to support books on either side so the unit doubles as shelf-tidy. When a patron takes a book from a wire easel, the surrounding books can fall over and look untidy; when they take a book from Feature Filler everything remains upright and neatly in place.
You can move Feature Fillers around the library to fill gaps on shelves and to create varied displays. If you choose books with strong visual cover messages which signal a subject area like Art, Cookery or History, you’ll find that Feature Fillers help patrons to find what they are looking for more quickly than shelf guiding does.
- Size suitable for large format non-fiction; children’s picture books; comic books and full-size graphic fiction
- Packs of attractive and entertaining reader quotes available separately to insert into your Feature Fillers so they don’t look empty when books are taken
- 10 1/16”H x 8”W x 8 3/4”D
- Made in strong acrylic which won’t buckle
- Front lip holds book in place
- Freight charges are FOB shipping point, prepaid and added to your invoice.
- Shipments are made via UPS, FedEx Ground, US Postal Service, or common carrier, depending on size, weight and quantity of product ordered.
- Weight: 1½ lbs
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